New HTML <dialog> tag: An absolute game changer

HTML will never be the same with the new <dialog> tag.


See how much work it would have taken me to create a dialog 👇

Almost 20 lines of CSS alone:

And that’s just CSS for the dialog functionality — it will still look very basic:

But how about with the new <dialog> tag!

✅ Now:

<button id="open">Open</button> <dialog id="dialog"> ⚡Lighting strikes the earth 44 times every second! </dialog>
const dialog = document.getElementById('dialog'); const open = document.getElementById('open'); open.addEventListener('click', () => { dialog.showModal(); });

We can even use the show() method to show a non-modal dialog — less intrusive with no backdrop:

const dialog = document.getElementById('dialog'); const open = document.getElementById('open'); open.addEventListener('click', () => {; });

Dialogs have always been a powerful way to forcefully seize your user’s attention and slam information in their faces.

It’s been a staple feature of every UI design system from Material Design to Fluent Design.

But even as common as they are we always had to resort to third-party libraries or create custom components to use them.

And many of these libraries don’t even follow the official recommendations for usability & accessibility…

Example: pressing the Escape key should dismiss the dialog on the page — but this doesn’t happen for many custom dialogs.

So <dialog> changes all that.

Auto-open dialog

The open attribute keeps the dialog open from the moment you open the page:

<dialog id="dialog" open> Giraffes are much more likely to be struck by lightning than humans are. In fact, they're 30 times more likely </dialog>

Auto-close button

Yes, you could add close functionality with standard event listeners and the close() method:

const close = document.querySelector( '#dialog .close' ); close.addEventListener('click', () => { dialog.close(); });

But the built-in <dialog> makes this even easier — no JavaScript needed:

<dialog id="dialog"> ⚡Gain essential coding skills & knowledge at <br /> <form method="dialog"> <button class="close">Close</button> </form> </dialog>

How to style <dialog> the right way

<dialog> has a special ::backdrop pseudo-element for styling the backdrop:

::backdrop { background-image: linear-gradient( 45deg, magenta, rebeccapurple, dodgerblue, green ); opacity: 0.75; }

Styling the main element is straightforward:

dialog { background-color: black; color: white; }

Final thoughts

With the new HTML <dialog> tag, creating modals and dialogs in our web apps has never been easier and faster.

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