Coding – the art, the science, and the passion
VS Code: 5 rapid file creation tips for greater productivity
The 5 fastest ways to create files in VS Code you need to know.
17 lines of JS code became 1 line after this simple trick
How did these 17 lines of JavaScript code turn into a concise one-liner?🤔
The 7 most transformative JavaScript features from ES10
7 juicy ES10 features that transformed JavaScript with new functionality and cleaner + shorter code.
New array slice notation in JavaScript – array[start:stop:step]
Start using Python’s array[start:stop:step] slicing notation in JavaScript right now.
7 little-known console methods in JavaScript
Go beyond .log(): 7 rarely used console methods for colorful🎨 data visualization, debugging🔎, performance⚡ testing…
Never use magic numbers in your code: Do this instead
How to transform you code into a mess with magic strings and numbers.