
How do computers actually understand the code you write?

How do computers actually understand the code we write?

It’s interesting how some people code for several years without ever learning these essentials. And often take it for granted.

How can a simple text command somehow control millions of screen pixels in a specific area with such incredible precision?

We take it for granted, but how does this soulless machine “know” that a random “console.log()” text means it should change the specific pixels at that point in the screen to match the string in the brackets?

How can text trigger interactions with systems and servers thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye, using raw electricity?

Let’s dive into a fundamental overview of how it all works.

Why coding matters

You see at their core, computers are nothing but a gigantic network of complex interconnected circuits.

Everything your computer does comes from having electric current flow through the circuit.

The core of computing is using these currents as vessels for real-world data.

In digital computing, there are only two states of current: On (1) or Off (0). Just like in a light switch.

We use these two states to pass messages (instructions) to the complex circuit (processor/CPU).

Because of the brilliant way we design the circuit, passing different instructions to the processor makes it “do” different things (a whole other subject on its own)

In a 1-bit processor, you only have 2 possible instructions — 1 or 0 (binary).

But to make a full-fledged computer we need room for much more than two instructions.

That’s why in practice, we use batches of 1s and 0s to represent as many instructions as we need.

Plain text
Possible instructions 1-bit processor: 1 and 0 2-bit processor: 11, 10, 01, 00 n-bit processor: 2^n possible instructions

We can represent them with a string of 1s and 0s. Or with hexadecimal numbers. Or with more human-friendly notation.

Plain text
// They're all the same instruction // These represent batches of electric signals in the real-world 1011100000000001000000000000000000000000 // Hex form B8 01 00 00 00 // Human-friendly -- Assembly language MOV EAX, 1

An instruction is like the smallest indivisible unit of any abstract action your computer can take — an atomic action.

On their own, they do incredibly basic things — adding binary numbers, moving current state from one part of the circuit to another, etc.

But the real power of computing comes when processors execute a massive amount of instructions together (millions and billions).

Luckily this isn’t a problem today as we have household processors of up to 3 GHz today — processing 3 billion instructions in a second (!).

When we code, we combine these instructions in unique ways to make amazing things happen.

Text to 1s and 0s

You could write a program by passing the electric currents directly to the processor as instructions.

You wouldn’t need any operating system or input device.

But unfortunately, you’d need sequences of thousands and millions of instructions to do anything meaningful with your computer.

It will take you several weeks and months to do something as simple as displaying a bunch of characters on the screen (like this).

That’s why we created expressive languages that could do in one line what takes dozens or hundreds of machine instructions.

Then we created programs to convert from those expressive languages to Assembly language and eventually to the machine instructions (a whole other subject on its own)

Programs that we call compilers.

Unlike our normal human languages, these expressive languages are incredibly precise with zero room for ambiguity.

So with compilers, we go from [C++] code like this:

int a = 2; int b = 3; int sum = a + b;

To Assembly code like this:

a: .long 2 b: .long 3 sum: .zero 4 __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(): push rbp mov rbp, rsp mov edx, DWORD PTR a[rip] mov eax, DWORD PTR b[rip] add eax, edx mov DWORD PTR sum[rip], eax nop pop rbp ret _GLOBAL__sub_I_a: push rbp mov rbp, rsp call __static_initialization_and_destruction_0() pop rbp ret

And eventually to the set of machine instructions — what we all call programs or apps.

But the CPU doesn’t run this machine code directly.

The generated machine code is different for every operating system — that’s why .exe files can only run on Windows, and .apk can only run on Android.

When the program runs, it’s the OS that sends the actual low-level instructions for the specific processor, according to whatever is in the program.

When you connect this processor to external devices like network adapters, speakers, monitors, and more, these instructions can transmit specialized signals to these peripherals, and incredible things happen.

Final thoughts

The magic lies in the unseen dance of circuits and logic.

Each line we write sparks a journey from human intent to digital action, as electricity interprets our commands through the language of 1s and 0s.

This profound synergy transforms our abstract ideas into a tangible, interactive digital realm, revealing the intricate beauty of computing’s core.

This new ES7 feature made my math 3 times easier

But 5 lines of Java is one line of Python.

How many times have you heard something like that from lovers of the later?

Seems like they love to trash languages they stubbornly believe are verbose. I came to see that “Pythonic” is something truly cherished by our friends in the Python community.

Your Python code works, and so what? Where is elegance? Where is readability?

Think you can write a simple for loop and get away with it?

total = 0 for i in range(1, 11): total += i print("The sum of the first 10 numbers is:", total)

Just wait till one of them find out — to say you’ll face severe criticism is an understatement.

Because apparently — and I kind of agree — it’s just not “beautiful” or concise enough.

To be “Pythonic” is best.

total = sum(i for i in range(1, 11)) print("The sum of the first 10 numbers is:", total)

An ES7 feature that brings syntactic sugar and conciseness

The ** operator.

This one almost always comes up in Python’s favor when talking about language conciseness, up there with generators and the // operator.

It’s good to know JavaScript now has this feature, over 6 years ago in fact.

But it was surprising to know that a sizeable number of our fellow JavaScripters never knew it’s in the language.

It’s now effortless to get the power of a number, with the ** operator. Instead of Math.pow(a, b), you do a ** b.

const result = Math.pow(10, 2); console.log(result); // 100 const result2 = Math.pow(2, Math.pow(3, 2)); console.log(result2); const result3 = 10 ** 2; console.log(result3); // 100 const result4 = 2 ** 3 ** 2; console.log(result4) // 512

We don’t need a function for such a common math operation anymore.

You can even pass a decimal number as a power with **Math.pow() can do this too:

const result = Math.pow(49, 1.5); console.log(result); // 343 const result2 = 49 ** 1.5; console.log(result2); // 343

And it’s not only a drop-in replacement for Math.pow(); ** can take BigInts too:

// ❌ Error: Cannot convert a BigInt value to a number const result1 = Math.pow(32n, 2); console.log(result1);
const result2 = 32n ** 2n; console.log(result2); // 1024n

BigInts let us represent numbers of any size without losing precision or experiencing overflow errors.

const veryLargeNumber = 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890n; console.log(typeof veryLargeNumber); // "bigint" console.log(veryLargeNumber * 2n); // 2469135780246913578024691357802469135780n

You can see that we simply add an n at the end of the digits to make it a BigInt.

Final thoughts

Language wars are a fun programmer pastime.

It’s always fun to debate about which programming language is more elegant and concise.

But at the end of the day, we’ve got to keep in mind that writing readable and maintainable code is what matters most.

In this article, we saw that the ** operator introduced in ES7 for JavaScript is a neat trick that can make your code more concise, and it even works with BigInts!

More features keep getting added every year — ES13 was released in 2022 — to increase and add more syntactic sugar.

So, keep exploring the possibilities of your favorite programming language, and have fun coding!